I work from 8.45 til 3.15pm, keep the house clean, cook the meals, prepare packed lunches, do the washing and look after everyone's interests as best I can. I put a lot in - can't I take a little something out, such as maybe an hour a day to write?
I always end up feeling guilty!
Apparently tonight (5.30pm, rush hour) the buses aren't running well. I receive a call from one of the kids asking for a lift home from town which is a 35 minute walk. It is raining and said kid finds it unnecessary to take an umbrella out with them in the mornings, apparently. When I refuse to go and pick this nameless teen up because a) the car is up the road in the garage, b) it's rush hour and c) I'm writing, the response is: "(snort) Writing!" as though it's a ridiculous thing to be doing. The implication is clearly that I am putting my writing before my motherly duties.
I got angry and hung up.
Now I can't write, anyway!

And I'm feeling guilty!
End of rant.