Friday, 11 October 2013

Finally, I think I get it!

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Eyeball-burn, life-burn, general burn-out.

That was me back in July and as a result I stopped writing almost altogether.

For years I have been a strictly keyboard writer, my theory being that my mind works faster than I can write - or at least write legibly - but, do you know, I was getting sick to death of staring at a screen! It seemed to be ruling my life and instead of writing I was spending hours procrastinating on Facebook, surfing this and that, and my eyes were burning (even though the screen glare is as low as it will go). I felt stressed, time-poor and pretty miserable. Worst still, I had mislaid my love of writing.

I had all of August off from writing, all of September and have just started writing again - with one difference... BY HAND.

It's a joy. No temptation to go on the internet, no eyeball-burn and OMG - there's no need to write full sentences! I also don't then keep going back over and over them editing even though I know I shouldn't. My first draft is not going to be much more than detailed notes and I can relax, knowing that when I type it all up I'll be doing the first edit at the same time.

I know you lot all knew this all along, but I feel as though I've made a writing-life-changing discovery!

On another subject, I want to apologise for not visiting many blogs lately. I have a lot of trouble with Blogger pages not loading properly - on every other page I seem to get a message from Internet Explorer telling me it encountered a problem and has to close the page, or the page just freezes for ages, or I get an error message saying there's something wrong with the page. I use Internet Explorer and this ONLY happens on Blogger. Obviously, I want to keep up with your blogs, but with the above happening, it's so time-consuming I often have to just give up and go do something else. Please - does anyone else have this problem? Should I be using Firefox or Google Chrome instead? Is Blogger doing it on purpose because of the Google connection - trying to make me change to Google Chrome? I'd love to hear about your experiences and solutions regarding this!


Sarah Foster said...

I'm usually a big fan of computer writing since it's faster and I can keep up with my thoughts but I get distracted easily as well. I've gotten so used to it, too, that it's hard to hand write, unless I've got a great idea in my head and that's all that's available.

As soon as you said you were using IE, I thought, well there's your problem! I use Chrome (Firefox had some issues after a while for me) and I really like it. It has some great features, like just typing a Google search into the address bar, as well as remembering your information (address, email, etc.) and autofilling it when you type your name. I do a lot of online shopping so it's helpful.

Jai said...

It took me forever to be able to write on the computer. I'm not sure if I could go back to pen and paper again.

I thought it was just my computer. Sometimes IE works, sometimes Chrome. {{shrugs}}

Donna K. Weaver said...

Hey, whatever works for you. I have tendonitis and arthritis issues with my hands so I don't write anything by hand if I can type OR SPEAK it. For my first drafts, I use the Dragon speech to text software. Beat NaNo last year in 18 days. Took a little getting used to but it was well worth it.

Tina said...

I can't write by hand due to arthritis and a fused wrist. I have the problem of going over and over what I've done, though...
As to the IE vs. Chrome issue: just give in and come to the realization that will all eventually get to which is that google is out for world domination, and they're not far off. On a side note, when Microsoft's tech support accidentally calls IE by it's real name, Internet EXploder, you know you're onto something. I'm all chrome and it plays nicely with blogger.
I'm glad you were able to find what works for you! Best of luck with the longhand!
Tina @ Life is Good

Melissa Amateis said...

Linda - I use Google Chrome and really love it. I can't stand Internet Explorer anymore, so maybe try switching for awhile and see if it's any better?

I'm like you - have always written on the keyboard because my mind works too fast to write it out longhand. But I do journal with pen and paper, so I get my longhand "fix" that way. But I'm so pleased that this solution worked for you. Hurrah! Rediscovering the joy of writing is one of the best things ever. Enjoy!

Elizabeth Seckman said...

When I am feeling blocked, I fall back on the pen and paper too! I prefer google chrome or safari. I hardly ever use Explorer.

Annalisa Crawford said...

Pen and paper is great. Be careful though, it's addictive - you'll soon be haunting stationery shops and drooling over pens and notebooks :-)

I haven't used Internet Explorer for years. Firefox was good for a while, but I had a few Blogger issues, so now I use Chrome and really like it. I hope you sort the problem soon!

Theresa Milstein said...

Google Chrome is a Google product, so blogger blogs should work better. Sorry you're having problems.

I'm a strictly typing writer. I don't think I'd like long writing because I'd writer slower and it would be another long step to transfer to edit. The more I write, the worse my handwriting becomes too! But I know what you mean about screen fatigue.

cleemckenzie said...

I switch between computer for initial laying down of the words, then I love to print out and take myself outside or to another room to read and scribble on what I've written. I often find I write a whole page by hand before I return to the computer. There is a different process involved in each one.


Thanks for stopping in to say hi at The Write Game. Loved your comment.

cleemckenzie said...

I switch between computer for initial laying down of the words, then I love to print out and take myself outside or to another room to read and scribble on what I've written. I often find I write a whole page by hand before I return to the computer. There is a different process involved in each one.


Thanks for stopping in to say hi at The Write Game. Loved your comment.

cleemckenzie said...

I switch between computer for initial laying down of the words, then I love to print out and take myself outside or to another room to read and scribble on what I've written. I often find I write a whole page by hand before I return to the computer. There is a different process involved in each one.


Thanks for stopping in to say hi at The Write Game. Loved your comment.

cleemckenzie said...

I switch between computer for initial laying down of the words, then I love to print out and take myself outside or to another room to read and scribble on what I've written. I often find I write a whole page by hand before I return to the computer. There is a different process involved in each one.


Thanks for stopping in to say hi at The Write Game. Loved your comment.

cleemckenzie said...

I switch between computer for initial laying down of the words, then I love to print out and take myself outside or to another room to read and scribble on what I've written. I often find I write a whole page by hand before I return to the computer. There is a different process involved in each one.


Thanks for stopping in to say hi at The Write Game. Loved your comment.

cleemckenzie said...

I switch between computer for initial laying down of the words, then I love to print out and take myself outside or to another room to read and scribble on what I've written. I often find I write a whole page by hand before I return to the computer. There is a different process involved in each one.


Thanks for stopping in to say hi at The Write Game. Loved your comment.

cleemckenzie said...

I switch between computer for initial laying down of the words, then I love to print out and take myself outside or to another room to read and scribble on what I've written. I often find I write a whole page by hand before I return to the computer. There is a different process involved in each one.


Thanks for stopping in to say hi at The Write Game. Loved your comment.

Crystal Collier said...

It's been so long since I wrote a book by hand, I'm sure it would drive me insane. Still, I did love it so much, back in the day, and I'm sure the process would be refreshing...but pausing to double check my facts? That would definitely be more cumbersome. ;)

Echoing the Internet Explorer thing--it's SLOW!!!! Your browser crashing or pausing is either a result of your computer's processing power, your internet connection speed, or (and most likely) Internet Explorer. I have to sit and watch for my cursor to appear on there after every three letters. SO frustrating.

Vikki T said...

Ha ha ha, go you!!!! Why do you think i always carry my notebook and i'll always be found scribbling in it ;)

I LOVE writing by hand, it just feels more...more...i dunno, creative?

Glad to hear you're back to enjoying writing honey :)


The Armchair Squid said...

Hey, whatever it takes! Glad to know you've found a new path to enjoying the writing experience again.

And to add to the chorus, IE and Blogger definitely don't play well together. I like Firefox a lot.

Unknown said...

I agree with Sarah in that I have to do my actual writing on the computer because it's quicker and my hand writing is terrible.

I have recently started doing all my plotting and research by hand though. My friends always buy me notebooks for birthdays and Christmas so like Vikki I'm putting them to good use. And I love it! Especially because my day job is sat in front of a computer.

Good luck with what ever works for you - the more I write the more I'm believing in finding your own system.