Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Elizabeth Seckman - Healing Summer Blog Tour

For Sale Now!!!

Maybe Love, Not Time, Heals All Wounds

Ditched at the altar…biopsied for cancer…Mollie Hinkle is having a bona fide bitch of a summer. When life sucks so hard it takes your breath away, what's a girl to do? Pack a bag, grab a few friends, and leave the past and the worry in the rear view mirror. What wounds can’t be healed by a drive across the Heartland, where quarter flips at cross roads determine the route and the future? All roads lead to Craig, the second son and bad boy of the haughty Coulter line. Has fate brought her to the miniscule Montana town to find happily ever after or will it just break her heart?

“Healing Summer” is the second book in the Coulter Men Series.

I've lent my blog to Elizabeth today as part of her Healing Summer Blog Tour. In return, she rose to the challenge to write a post with the word effervescence as the prompt...


I love that word! It actually reminds me of my second son. He was born with red hair and eyes such clear blue they sparkled. He had these dimples that framed a smile that made strangers stop. 
And he smiled a lot. He had a natural effervescence. He was so sweet and pleasant, I'd had to interrupt his baby play of singing to ceiling fans to hold him. A friend laughed and asked me why I picked him up when he wasn't crying and I told her if I waited for the little fella to fuss, he'd never get picked up. 
He's sixteen now and he's still a positive, funny guy. Even when his mom tells him, "There's my Cole-E Bear, my effervescent baby."  
Though I don't know what he'll say about me putting it on the Internet.
But none of you will tell, right?
 You can catch up with Elizabeth's Blog Tour here or you could visit her Facebook page or find her on Goodreads where there is a book giveaway.
You can buy Healing Summer on Amazon, here or on Amazon UK here.
To thank people for stopping by, Elizabeth has set up a Rafflecopter for $100 - you can enter below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway  

As I'm a bit of a technophobe and that rafflecopter link might not work, you can also find it on Elizabeth's blog!

Elizabeth with Cole - not so small now!
Thanks for stopping by - if any of my links don't work, please hop over to Elizabeth's blog as it's all there! (So confident, aren't I? But then if you read my 50 Things list last week, 'learn how to use Blogger' was in there!)






Tonja Drecker said...

Aw! What a nice post! Makes me feel warm inside, which fights good against the snow ;)

Patsy said...

Effervescence is a good word - and how appropriate for Elizabeth!

Al Diaz said...

Don't worry. I won't tell him, hahaha. That's a cool picture!

Misha Gerrick said...

Sweet post! I love how the story sounds. :-D

Rena said...

That is so sweet! I'm sure you'll hear about that after he's all grown up with his own family. "Remember when..."

Too cute.

Annalisa Crawford said...

Cute story. I love the way it's splashed all over the internet! My aim is to get as many embarrassing photos as possible to show on my kids' 18th birthday.

Elizabeth Seckman said...

Tonja- He is the most warm-hearted guy.

Patsy- It's on my list of favorite words...right next to serendipity.

Al- it's good to have friends you can trust to keep your secrets. Thanks man!

Misha- Thanks!

Rena- I'm already amazed that my "babies" are so grown up and I already do all kinds of remember whens.

Elizabeth Seckman said...

And thanks Linda for having me over and helping me out! (And putting up with my confusion!)

Nicki Elson said...

Aww, that picture is precious. His effervescence shows. :) Congratulations on the book release, Elizabeth! I really like the angle on the cover couple too.

Suzy Turner said...

What a gorgeous post, Elizabeth! How lucky you were to have such a wonderful baby... and for him to still be that way is marvelous. Clearly he gets it from his mother :)

Elizabeth Seckman said...

Thanks Nikki
And Suzy, I agree, I am lucky and thank you. :)

Lisa Regan said...

Hee hee hee, I won't tell him! So sweet!

Gina Gao said...

This is such a sweet post!

Linda King said...

It was great to have you on my blog, Elizabeth - feel free to come back anytime you want!