Anyway... I'm just checking in because, as you may know, I'm not blogging regularly due to my efforts to DE-STRESS MY LIFE! I am, I must say, feeling a lot less stressed - not that it was only the blogging that was causing me stress, but it was yet another thing to fit in. I've still been visiting blogs when I can and trying to leave a comment (if Blogger will let me on that particular day at that particular time, fickle friend that it is).
I have managed to stick to my PLAN, more or less, and seem to have convinced myself that as much as I love writing, it's not worth stressing over to the point that it makes me ill / tired / impossible to live with / inattentive to other members of the family.
I'd like to share a few of my recent discoveries with you, if you haven't got bored yet and navigated away from the page...
- I don't need to write a short story in one or two sittings. I used to feel that my momentum was ruined if I wrote something over a week or two, but I've discovered that a) I don't forget what I was going to write and b) after editing you'd never know it had been written in stages. I know that you already knew that, but I'm a slow learner...
- It is possible to put a "So what?" head on in the face of rejection. I was bad at this and used to check my inbox several times a day for news on stories I'd submitted, and then feel pretty humililated if the dreaded 'Sorry, but...' response arrived. Lately, I've limited myself to checking only once a day when I answer my emails and have also managed to talk myself out of high hopes for each story. If an editor likes it - hooray! If not, never mind - it just isn't the right story for them or - and this is obviously sometimes the case - it doesn't 'work'. So what?! Move on!
- Even if it's a 'writing' night, it's ok to only write 100 words and then go and watch TV with my husband or my daughter.
Oh, and which is it for you - puppies or kittens?