On Friday, 10th Feb, there's a fun blog hop called I'LL TUMBLE 4 YA!
It's going to be a REAL HARDSHIP because the low-down is to think of all those crushes you had on celebrities in the 80s and to post a picture of one of them with your reason!
If you're not already signed up, do join in. I don't know about you, but I had so many crushes in the 80s I need as much time as possible to sift through them, enjoy the memories, oggle some old pics and then choose one (won't be easy!)
I need another lesson in inserting hyperlinks, so can't do anything clever to send you in the right direction, but you can find the details here: http://mpaxauthor.blogspot.com/2012/01/ill-tumble-4-ya.html
I'm really jealous of people who can put here in a pretty colour and just send you there. Don't try clicking on this one - all I did was change the font colour...
Just to whet your appetite, here's one to get you started...
See you there!